/** * @brief A PHP parsed JS file containing translated strings. * @file i18n.js.php * @version $Id: i18n.js.php 477 2015-03-22 20:40:33Z eska $ * @package phpmygpx * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Sebastian Klemm. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php */ var DEBUG = 0; var i18n_strings = new Array(); /* list all tranlated strings to be used within JS here: */ i18n_strings['_MAP_JS_INVALID_LAT'] = "Invalid latitude! Should be between -90 and 90."; i18n_strings['_MAP_JS_INVALID_LON'] = "Invalid longitude! Should be between -180 and 180."; i18n_strings['_MAP_JS_BOOKM_NAME'] = "Nom du marque-page: "; i18n_strings['_IMPORT_NO_AJAX'] = "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas AJAX!"; i18n_strings['_IMPORT_PHP_ERROR'] = "Sorry, this should not happen! You might want to submit a bug report and include the following lines:"; i18n_strings['_CMN_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'] = "Pas d'objet sélectionné!"; i18n_strings['_CMN_SEARCH_RESULTS'] = "%1% résultats de recherche:";